In a message dated 3/22/00 7:24:46 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
<< However, while an avid old car fan and collector, I am also very concerned
about the environment..... if I could I would put a catalytic converter on
both of my antiques. >>
Anyone can add a converter to any older car if they choose to, as long as the
limit themselves to unleaded fuel. However, I think it is more important to
stop the Federal Govt. from mandating chemicals like MTBE and other unstudied
oxygenates in our fuel. The current studies have said they are spooky after
they are burned...
There were two extensive studies done regarding tetraethyl lead in
gasoline, and the subsequent emissions. The Japanese study showed absolutely
no difference in the I.Q. levels of children over a 5 year period. Funny,
that the Scottish study on the same additive showed no difference as well. I
conclude just as the scientists have that tetraethyl lead is not a
problem...although it is a political problem...
One of the most aggressive chemicals added to automotive gasoline is
alcohol. If you add 10% alcohol to fuel, it is amazing that car emissions
drop by 10%. When alcohol is burned in an internal combustion engine, part
of the exhaust is formaldihyde gas: a carcinogen. If there is no testing for
it, therefore it must not exist...right? "We are from the Govt. and we are
here to help you...." Clean air...HA!
Jim Leach PTC Seattle