Bob, when I was with the trade association that reps the pool/spa
industry, we did a 1 year study on energy consumption of old and new
pool, with Florida Power and Light, then 4th largest utility, which
imported 98% of their energy needs to produce electric power.
Study was real world, and provided info to reduce pool/spa energy
consumption by up to 60% of old engineering uses.
BTW, Study was first winner of Presidents Energy Award, a big deal at
the time of the energy crisis.
Yes, heat pumps are used in certain areas for pool, house, water heating
and cooling.
Pool also used as a heat sink/reservoir for heat exchangers to heat and
cool the house and hot water. Did several test/models with NAHB. But
all of that was in a different decade.
We learn some valuable lessons, with the real world testing.
I have installed many of the lessons learned by the Tiger group in my
resto, including a efficient pump, new larger radiator core, blocked of
horn holes, vents (mine are in the fenders, left and right by regulator,
booster connecting to outside fender), Robenshaw thermostat, and the
addition of a air dam.
Lets see if it works.