At 08:13 28/12/99 -1000, you wrote:
>thanks for all the replies about the vacum line. i really liked the cruise
>control. i do have a brake servo but it is in need of a rebuild. i am going
>to leave it off for now and hit the gym to build up my leg muscles. who is
>the best for rebuilding the sevvos or should i just buy a new one? now for
>todays question. where does the starter solenoid bolt up? i cant seem to
>find the matching bolt pattern in my engine bay.
>Chris B382002322 ( IN PIECES )
Solenoid bolts onto the right lower side on the fire wall. There should be 2
bolt holes here that hold the bracked. Bolts pass through into the cabin,
passanger side.
I wish you would slow down, it's causing many of us great envy and anguish!
Wally Menke