what you really need is the brass casting used to hold the B post top in
place on a 'GT' car. This has the same fixings as the soft top frame
hinge without the hinged arm. It allows for the chrome top to be fitted.
In message <318F42BE347BD311898600500414D43017AB70@NORNAA.akzo-
nobel.com>, Ronak, TP (Timothy) <Timothy.P.Ronak@akzo-nobel.com> writes
>I need 2 convertible top hinges that may be maimed twisted or not
>salvageable. I have found a useable good set on a HOT Rodded Alger car that
>will never use a convertible top. The deal is, he will swap me if I can
>provide him with the housing portion that will allow him to bolt on the
>chrome plates so that he can mount the hard top. I do have a set of twisted
>hinges on my car but I am not able to disassemble my car to get the hinges
>off at this point. Ideally I would like to save the hinges on my car as they
>look repairable and someone else may be able to use them in the future. If
>you can help out please let me know.
>I did find someone with a radio but it says Sunbeam Transistor on the front,
>but the one on ebay says Motorolla on it???? Which radio is the "correct"
>radio? Also does anyone have the "console" that mounts below the dash that
>the radio and speaker mount into that they could part with?
>Best Holiday Regards,
>Tim Ronak
Jeff Howarth