In a message dated 12/3/99 2:21:42 AM Pacific Standard Time,
<< I just spoke to Alfi Dragan with the tiger club in South Africa. He says
that they often put Getrag 5-speed gearboxes into tigers with very good
results. You don't have to move the cross member, only have to cut a new
shifter hole in the center, further back (a better position anyway.)
These boxes are found on 85 onwards Opel Records (2.2 litre and 3 litre
versions.) It is also on 525 and 528 BMWs but those ones require some
changes. He says they can take quite a hammering even from modified
289/302s. I will try to find out what other European cars this box came in
and some model numbers. >>
That's a very interesting solution...the Gertrag box has a very sweet action,
makes shifting even more fun. The only question I would have regards
synchros. I have driven a number of BMWs where the synchros, particularly
second gear, have gone away relatively early in the life of the trans.
Nonetheless, thank you for the information. BTW, I believe the Gertrag trans
has been used in quite a number of cars over the years, including some
American cars.