Chris, I redid my dash with new burled walnut veneer. There were some
void on the face side of the plywood, which were filled with wood
filler, available at any hardware/Home Depo, etc.
If you are using new veneer, there are various glues available. Veneer
glue requires that the veneer be pressed on the plywood for several
hours to get a firm contact/set.
Constantines, in NY, has a veneer glue that does not require this, but
only a good roller to make contact with the plywood. They specialize in
woods, veneers and know their products/stuff.
My veneer has been on for 9 months and is on the plywood to stay.
BTW, they sell a paper backed veneer, which I used, that will not crack,
like the typical Tiger dash. The paper backing allows movement, with
out the problems found in typical veneers that are exposed to weather
condition/temp such as in a car dash.
They have burled walnut, and it is beautiful. Also easy to use.