Took my Tiger II 351C out for a test run today.
First time I got on it since putting in the C4.
Used the GTec Pro unit for the data. This time The GTec Pro
was firmly mounted so it wouldn't move a lot under acceleration.
Entering my Tiger weight as 2600 lb. the GTec Pro indicated 288 Hp.
This HP reading is the actual effective HP including all losses
from friction and air resistance. The GTec Pro calculates the
HP based on weight, acceleration and velocity.
1/4 mile speed was 112.38 Mph with a terrible ET of 14.38 sec.
Based on the HP indicated and the MPH in the quarter I should
have been at a 12.13 ET. It was easy to see the problem. When
I started, the Tiger was very slow until the RPM got up to around
3000, and then it came on very strong. I did not rev the motor
up with the brake on. I just stomped it from idle. I didn't
have this problem with the 4 speed. If I stomped it in low
gear, I simply melted the tires down and went no where. With
the automatic I didn't even smoke the tires. My rear tires are
22.92 in dia, or 72 in per rev. Still have the 2.88 gears.
Looks like a 3.34 gear would be much better for drags. However;
I am already noticing a drastic drop in gas milage with the
automatic. Previously got 13 to 14 around town. Have not burned
a full tank yet, but indications are around 10 Mpg.
The good thing is that I didn't have to use my left leg
and therefore it is only in medium pain now.
James Barrett Tiger II 351C and others