Before you start replacing parts, you should try a couple things. Both
the temp gauge and the fuel gauge reading low is a symptom or the
regulator, but the electronic one mentioned will not be any better,
accuracy wise, that the original switcher. Remember, the accuracy of
the gauges depends on the regulator, the gauge, and the sender together,
and the best regulator in the world will not compensate for the inherent
crudeness of the other two parts. In my opinion, the electronic version
will work fine, but it's overkill.
Try this. Remove the regulator and clean the metal under it, then
replace it. The regulator needs a good case ground, and sometimes it
gets a bit of corrosion under it.
Other than that, find someone who knows how to use a VOM and read a
schematic, and give him a copy of my notes on this subject, located on
Mark Olsen's Tiger web site. They should be able to sort it out in no
time at all.
Stu Brennan