Speaking of experiments.......
A month or so ago I finally acquired an original AC air cleaner. As per the
suggestions of the list and because of "fit" problems, I procured one of the
K & N filters from Rick at SS (hey, they're not THAT expensive,) and was
surprised at the results.
Seems that at full wide open...which I don't do much now since my "Display
of Speed" ticket, the engine began to bog at about 4.5 to 5K rpm, once the
fuel really started going through the carb. HMMM, didn't do it before.
Sooooooo, today before running the Tigger down to Costco (not in Vista,
Bob...I miss our meetings there) I took the AC off and put the old "ERSON"
cheapo chrome puppy back on. No acceleration problems, no bogging.
Well my hypothesis is that the AC air cleaner, though pretty and period,
does not provide enough air throughput to allow the Holley 600 cfm
double-pumper to get the air it needs.
Hey, I know I won't win the Nobel Prize or anything like that, but pretty
good theory don't you think? :)
Will probably keep the AC on the shelf except for shows and such. Any
similar experiences? Yeah, I know I am over carbureted, but am too cheap to
buy a new one!