Couldn't agree more. Tigers are the theme to this list. My thoughts, Mark
richards wrote:
> I hate to say it, but why don't you take this discussion to the Camaro
> group or respond personally to each other about it. Isn't this the
> group that is concerned with Sunbeam Tiger's. YIKES!
> Chris in Trinidad
> "Ronak, TP (Timothy)" wrote:
> >
> > Chris,
> > I did not respond earlier as I thought that you had this well at hand.
> > Apparently not. We raced a factory bodied 1988 IROC for several years and
> > discovered lots about cooling those beasts.
> > 1: (The Biggest one we discovered) Make darn sure that the ugly 8 inch Black
> > plastic scraper under the radiator support is attached and in good
> > condition. They tend to get torn off by parking curbs, aggressive cornering
> > over burms or the occasional hot rodder who says to himself "boy is that
> > ugly!". That little flap is the sole reason that you car cools at all as it
> > acts like a scraper and creates a negative pressure behind the rad and
> > "SUCKS" air through the rad to cool coolant. If you have A/C you will NOT be
> > able to "BLOW" enough air through the rad to cool the car.
> > 2: Checklist: I assume that the fans are switching on correctly, that the
> > catalytic converter is not plugged, that the correct head gaskets were
> > installed for the Vortech heads, that you are running actual coolant to
> > lubricate the water pump bearing (or Water Wetter) and a 170 thermostat,
> > that the water pump is the correct one for you belt configuration, the
> > timing is correctly set by disconnecting the lead by the heater then setting
> > timing, the fan relay is working and switching on the fans at 170 degrees or
> > when the A/C is switched on, The correct rad cap is used into a puke
> > reservoir that it can suck back the coolant as it cools as the contraction
> > is normal. It sounds as though your car pukes coolant but for some reason is
> > not able to suck it back from the puke reservoir...assuming you have one!
> > This would be the rad caps fault. But start at #1 as that is probably it if
> > it is missing.
> > I hope this helps Chris,
> > Regards,
> > Tim Ronak
> > Canada