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Re: Too Hot Camero

To: Theo Smit <tsmit@isotel.com>
Subject: Re: Too Hot Camero
From: Larry Paulick <larry.p@erols.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:17:15 -0400
 I had the body man fabricate fender air vents that go to the area
where the regulator/brake booster is located.  This should give another
area for the hot air to get out.  The vents in the fenders are just
below the ss strip and just behind the rear fender wheel flair's, in a
trapezoidal shape.

The shape is from a trapezoid to a triangle in the engine compartment,
fabricated in metal.

Still don't have car, as paint problem has taken almost 2 months from
original delivery date.  Long story, but when it is together, I will let
you know if all this works. I will use a chin/spoiler also.


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