(a) Thanks, Colin, for your two posts on the Luigi Rallye. Good
reading! And it's good to know that Sunbeams actually get driven from
time to time. I think I'll actually get to drive the Garage Queen once
or twice this year, just before it gets too cold. :^/ Nothing like your
adventure, though.
(b) No problem, Gary, with the odd 'tickler' message about stuff
being up on eBay. Yeah, a short message saying "I got stuff up for
auction" would've sufficed, but as I just dumped over 1,500 words in
everyone's in-box, who am I to judge? So far, I see no, er, misuse of
the List in this manner, and perhaps a few new Listers might not even
know about eBay yet (come on, it _could_ happen!).
Lawrence R. Wright, Purchasing Analyst
U S Office Products, Mid-Atlantic District
Formerly Andrews Office Products
larry.wright@usop.com (new)
Ph. 301.386.7923 Fx. 301.386.5333