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Re: yoko owno

To: tigers@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: yoko owno
From: ritchie@mcn.org (Armand & Lorie Ritchie)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 07:45:39 -0700
I have yoko's too (put on by the PO) and when I first picked up the car in
Oakland,  I didn't check the pressures at first.  It handled kind of
twitchy but not bad.  And I hadn't driven a Tiger before only alpines.  So
I finally stopped for gas in Jenner and checked the pressures.  Well there
was 50 pounds in three tires and 20 in the right front.  So I let the
pressure down to 30 pounds in three and up to 30 in the other.  It handled
liked like a mac truck after that with it taking twice the effort to steer.
So now I run about 35 psi and it's still alittle hard to steer but if I'm
by myself it's not to bad.  It bangs alittle over bumps but that's to be
expected.  I haven't had the guts to try 50 psi again but it sure was easy
to steer with that pressure.  But everyone on the list naysayed that
pressure.  It would probably be alright to up the pressure for autocross
but better to stick with 35 psi for the street.
By the way I'm running 185's (I just went out and checked)  they are great,
don't rub and I have a heck of a time trying to break them loose.  So I
highly recommend that size.  Any wider and you might have a rubbing problem
of course my fender lips have been rolled by the PO.

regards Armand

I tried to send this from my home account, but something may not have worked.
>Sorry if this is a duplicate.
>After trimming the valence panel, I just put some 195/70-13 Yokohamas (5.5
>rims) onto the Tiger.  The first drive with these will be probably tomorrow,
>assuming the kids' soccer and marching band schedules will permit.  I want to
>see if they rub any fender lips or whatever, so that maybe I can avoid having
>to switch to my 175's
>My question is, what tire pressures should I run in the Yokos for normal
>use?  No drags or auto-x, just normal driving around.
>Any thoughts out there?

Armand & Lorie Ritchie

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