At 09:37 AM 8/7/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Dan and listers,
>I forgot to address the clear coating issue.
>Long answer:
>There are only a few clears that actually stick to Aluminum and none that i
>know of that stick to stainless steel. I hate to say this but my company
>Sikkens, to my knowledge, does not make a clear that has etching properties
>necessary for adhesion to a bare aluminum surface.
My company has used a product for years as a primer on bare aluminum and
stainless steel as well as brass and magnesium. I'd have to look in our
paint cabinets to get the proper name but has been used by most of the US
auto manufacturers as a prime before they paint the trim around the windows
and similar applications. It's clear itself but I have know knowledge of
its UV resistance. We could not get good adhesion of clear coats or colors
before we started using this product. If someone is still interested, I
can check the name next week.