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Great deals from TE/AE (spam?)

To: "alpines@autox.team.net" <alpines@autox.team.net>, <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: Great deals from TE/AE (spam?)
From: "Ed Esslinger" <eee1@snowhill.com>
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 16:58:50 +0100
 If you are not a member of Tigers East/ Alpines East,  It will pay you to
join.  There are great part deals, for members only. Starting this month you
can save more than your membership dues on your first purchases. For a
membership form by e-mail contact me.

Cool Cat Eddie ,1 S3 GT,3 S4's, 2 S5's, 2 MK1 Tigers
Deep South Rep TE/AE

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