At 12:15 AM 7/13/99 EDT, you wrote:
>Bart, et al
>Beware that Stated Value insurance does not say that
>if you insure your Tiger for $20K ststaed value that they
>will pay you $20K if it were stolen, etc. It states that
>they will put up to $20K and no more. What this does
>is set an upper limit to their liablility. You must document
>with pictures and appraisals to prove the value of your car.
>Also special cars insurance come with many restrictions,
>2500 mi/ year, no racing, never leaving it unattended, etc.
>I found that having it appraise and getting normal insurance
>the best way to go. I my car is damaged that would pay to
>have it repaired regardless of cost and with no upper limit.
Not true with all insurance companies, they simply claim
it was TOTALED if the repair bill is larger than they like and
give you a few bucks and take your Tiger! You must keep the
appraisel current to have any hope of recovery. The alternate is
to have no insurance for collision, just the required libability
etc. That way you fix it yourself.
>I know that there are other net members who are insurance
>experts. Any comments,
>Dave Johnson.
James Barrett Tiger II 351C and others