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Re: Dashboards

To: Joe Hankins <jhankins@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: Dashboards
From: Mark Fridenstine <laceyf@crosslink.net>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 22:38:04 -0400
    It's not as hard as you may think. The wiring is the hard part. I did mine
last fall and was scared to death. But finding nobody to do it, I took it real
slow. I recall? 4 screws, and the steering wheel bottom cap, need to be
removed. I took out each guage and pulled the wires off and immediately
rewired them under the dash, so litterally wired them back up with the dash
loose, which gave my enough room. I bought my dash from SS, Rick's w/o the
door. My original one was horrible. What a difference it made. I cleaned the
glass and polished the rims on the guages. The guages worked to my surprise. I
got into trouble later while trying to hook-up a rebuilt tach. With somebodies
help (whom will remain anoymous), I still have the instrument regulator, not
letting the fuel and water temp guage work. Even when I use the wiring
diagram, I'v blown 2 regulators. And with the heat index about 110-120, I'll
wait a while longer. TTFN        Good Luck Mark

Joe Hankins wrote:

> The $64 question for me is just how much time (and agony!) is involved in
> changing the dashboard. I'd love to do it, but am afraid I'd never get the
> wiring sorted out!
> Joe

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