Not a dead issue at all, check with our OWN Steve Laifman, he is hard at
work, and has already started a test page for the INTERNATIONAL club, it is
not public as yet, only in the test stages, but gorgeous setup indeed.
It has exactly the ideas that you spoke of, input from everyone out there,
and like you say, a UNITED effort giving each chapter a chance to work on
their own specialty, be that parts or what ever, but most importantly their
dwindling memberships...
The sad part about CAT, is that even though their membership is still up
there, they have less members than when I joined 10 years ago, and they have
turned over 100% in that time, sad but interesting, they need to work on
parts and develop some useful stuff, like they used to have, they certainly
have the money in the coffers.
This will also give the progression and preservation of the masque a chance
to grow as a UNITED effort, a monthly ON LINE column from each chapter/club,
a central tech page (much needed) with archived tech tips, many gathered
from this medium.
A picture section, maybe a place to put cars for sale, and an International
page for parts trading.
Like you I am looking at Positives here, not to critique the masses, and
true not all are on line yet, but fact is that we do not want to be behind
the eight ball here, as in the growth of on-liners and the internet as a
whole, in the next 5 years will be incredible, and as always, survival of
the fittest.
The ones not on line WILL be on line, even my 7 1/2 year old daughter is on
We need the exposure that the NET will offer, and your remarks are quite
timely indeed.
I do not want to give out Steve's test page address as yet, if when he reads
this, and does not kill me for spilling the beans( only kidding Steve) he
might want to give out the address for you to peruse, and give input, as I
have done.
He is quite a WEB master, and about the best I have seen, when it comes to
Tiger related sights anyway..
Have a GREAT week to all, and be good!!!
Warm regards,
Jan S-E Harde
Monkey Bikes and Mini Trail *FUN* :
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----- Original Message -----
From: Patrick Lauber <>
To: Tiger List (E-mail) <>
Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 7:16 AM
Subject: National club
> If you can read this, thank you Doug Leithauser. I haven't
> been able to get messages through to the list in quite some
> time, although I could receive messages. Here are a couple
> of pent-up (e.g. out-of-date) comments:
> Where did the discussion of a national club go? Has anything
> been brought up to the boards of current Sunbeam clubs? Some
> other marques have a national club structure, with regional
> clubs for more local events. I belong to the Viper club and
> this structure works very well. We combine efforts for
> national events and a magazine, but also have local events
> sponsored by each region.
> Each Sunbeam club (at least the two I belong to - CAT &
> TE/AE) seems to have its own specialty. Imagine a national
> club that lets CAT focus on parts, TE/AE on newsletter, STOA
> (?) on certification/history, etc. There would be less
> duplication of effort and resources (both $ and people)
> would go further. Wouldn't you rather have a polished
> newsletter packed with info from all the clubs, rather than
> 3-4 smaller regional newsletters that have a tough time
> gathering enough info to publish? Wouldn't Sunbeam parts
> vendors be more interested in subsidizing (advertising in) a
> newsletter with greater circulation?
> Don't get me wrong, I think the clubs do a good job and the
> officers are to be commended. But, given the limited number
> of Sunbeamers out there, it just seems to make sense to get
> them all together for some things. As far as communication
> and running the national club, maybe each "founding" club
> could nominate a representative to be on the innaugural
> board of the new club. Technology - internet, web
> conferencing, teleconferencing, etc. - would enable adequate
> communication on a monthly or quarterly basis, and the
> regions could continue to set their own local gatherings.
> Any thoughts - or is this a dead issue?