Well, it took long enough! Last fall I started my radiator recore job,
and just today I finally got to test the results. Read on.
First the basics. I have a Mk 1A with a stock 260, 2 barrel manifold,
etc, all unchanged since the factory. I had the original radiator that
had been rodded out a bunch of years back, but I was starting to see
some pretty high temperatures while moving in hot weather, and if
traffic stopped.....
Well anyway, all I did was a recore with a modern 3 by 36 tube core that
fit in the original tanks. The fan, shroud, horn openings, valence
openings, are all as original. Changed to a 180 Thermostat from my 160.
Today we finally hit the high 80's, so I went for a drive at high noon.
The car warmed up to the thermostat temp, indicating about 190-195, and
pretty much stayed there through the whole drive. The route included
some back roads, a few miles of highway, then more back roads. The temp
got up above 200 only when I spent a couple minutes waiting at a traffic
light after the highway bit. Came back down into the 190's when I got
moving again. This is about what my Cherokee does under the same
So I regard the recore job as well worth the price. That alone solved
most of the cooling problems that I've experienced. I am sure that
some of the other Laifman procedures would improve things a bit more,
but this should do for now.
Of course every victory must be balanced with a loss. I went to pick up
my daughter from her marching band duties, and the Tiger would not
restart. Click groan groan groannnn.... click click. The voltmeter told
the story. Not quite 12 volts any more. Damn! Try to use a "48 month"
battery for just 60 or 70 months and they just give up! Don't build
then like they used to, I guess.