I talked to motorsport about the problem, he said that he has seen
blocks go out without plug in the oil gallies ( good call bob)but said
it was rare. one plug is visable thru the distrubutor hole (i can see
that plug and it is there. the other is under the intake (not so easy to
see). i also asked about the pick-up being to low.that also could be the
well i removed the pan to inspect the pump. it was touch the bottom of
the pan, but there is a guard on the pick up to keep at least 3/16 of
clearance from the pan. lot of oil was dripping from the crank. when i
removed the pump, lot of oil flowed from it. check the pump and all look
good. pulled one of the main caps and the bearing looked fine. so i am
going to reinstall the pan ( i did bend the pick-up up to a bit over
1/4" from the pan) and check again. if there is still low pressure i
will pull the intake and check for the missing plug.
also i just put in Pyroil break fluid (a valvoline product) in my cluch
master. it reads that it exceeds dot3 and dot4 spec. do we think this is
a problem?