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RE: tach problems

To: "Theo Smit" <TSmit@novatel.ca>, "'Almjeld, Paul'" <PaAlmjel@dwu.edu>,
Subject: RE: tach problems
From: "Allan Connell, Jr." <alcon@earthlink.net>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 08:43:44 -0800
Theo and all.....

Theo brings up a good point.  Be VERY careful to use the routing of the plug
wires as noted in the shop manual.  This is critical to avoid arcing and
potential harmful side effects to the mill....pre-ignition and other fine
stuff.  As I am at work, don't have the page number handy at this moment...


-----Original Message-----
From:   owner-tigers@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-tigers@autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of Theo Smit
Sent:   Monday, March 22, 1999 7:26 AM
To:     'Almjeld, Paul'; John Slade; JPKKMK@aol.com
Cc:     Tiger List
Subject:        RE: tach problems

'Way back when I had a Pinto (don't laugh, OK?) I installed a tach in it and
after a while the car developed a problem similar to what Patrick described.
turned out to be a set of bad plug wires - the jump (upwards) in tach
was always accompanied by the car stumbling a little. My guess was that the
arcing caused some odd feedback into the coil primary, which screwed up the
readings. The arcing wasn't bad enough that you could hear it, so it took a
while to figure this out.

Theo Smit

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Almjeld, Paul [SMTP:PaAlmjel@dwu.edu]
> Sent: Monday, March 22, 1999 7:46 AM
> To:   John Slade; JPKKMK@aol.com
> Cc:   Tiger List
> Subject:      RE: tach problems
> Hi all:
> I had the same difficulty with my Alpine tach. After an extended period of
> time running in this eratic fashion, it finally quit altogether.  I sent
> off to Tiger Tom for a rebuild and it's now just like new.
> Dr.Paul Almjeld
> Department of Music
> Dakota Wesleyan University
> palmjeld@dwu.edu
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       John Slade [SMTP:edalsj@igs.net]
> > Sent:       Monday, March 22, 1999 8:38 AM
> > To: JPKKMK@aol.com
> > Cc: Tiger List
> > Subject:    Re: tach problems
> >
> > I'd be interested in any replies that you get on this problem, Patrick.
> > I have the identical problem, and after watching it for a while, have
> > concluded that an electronic component is changing its value  after the
> > instrument warms up to a certain temperature. The tach is correct (more
> > or less) at the start of any run, but after half an hour to an hour, it
> > starts reading noticeably higher than it should.
> >
> > John Slade
> > B9470349

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