The manual says the torque spec for these bolts is 62 lbs-ft (or
foot-pounds in the common vernacular). I usually tighten them a bit tighter
than this, but we should probably take the advice of the experts.
As far as anti-seize, or whatever, I would suggest using something to
exclude the moisture that inevitably collects above the bolt. I would not
use Locktite, however, as it will make it difficult to remove next time
(and there will be a next time - perhaps sooner than you'd like). Maybe
Locktite does have a product that would be suitable for this application,
but I'm speaking about the green stuff in the red bottle and similar
formulations that form varying degrees of adhesion between the threads.
I've heard of lots of things falling off the front suspension of a Tiger,
but never the whole crossmember. Just torque to 70-80 lbs-ft if you're
squeamish and you can be sure it won't come off until the next time you're
ready. BTW, ever worry about rod bolts, etc. coming off? Standard practice
is to install these without Loctite too.
At 06:53 PM 3/19/99 -0500, wrote:
>Hi Gang
> I am putting my car back together and I need info on a couple of fine points
>about the bolts that secure the front crossmember to the frame.
> 1) is it a good idea to use an anti-sieze compound on these bolts or is
>loctite a better idea... or just dry?
> 2) what is the proper torque for these bolts? or is as tight as I can get
>them with an impact gun the way to go?
> Thanks
Robert L. Palmer
Dept. of AMES, Univ. of Calif., San Diego