At 03:53 PM 2/18/99 -0500, wrote:
>The fuel pump over the right muffler has the following advantages:
> 1. When the points stick, the access door allows you to
> bang of the pump with an appropriate abject to free the
> points and the pumps starts working again. Nothing
> like bombing down the highway, feel the car run out of
> gas, reach around and bang the pump, and away you
> go again. Done properly you shouldn't lose more than
> 5 mph.
> The replacement pump with electronic point eliminates
> the fun or the original.
> 2. Having the pump over the muffler is great because when
> it does leak, the sheet of yellow flame in your rear view
> mirror makes a great leak detector.
>The MK II Tigers move the pump into the wheel well of the trunk
>where the Alpine spare stood up. A bracket similar to the holding
>the pump above the muffler was used to hold the pump in the
Dave, et Listers,
I guess the choice is whether you want yellow flames trailing behind your
car, or a massive explosion in your trunk. Personally, I'm glad I'm driving
a Mk-I.
Robert L. Palmer
Dept. of AMES, Univ. of Calif., San Diego