In a message dated 2/7/99 2:57:02 PM Pacific Standard Time,
<< I am the previous owner of 2 Tigers (65MkI and 66MkI). I sold
both the cars during the 70's (financial necessity) and am interested in
buying/restoring another. I would prefer
a 66MkI which could be authenicated with both tops. Any offers to sell
or leads to a
restorable car would be appreciated. I have been out of the "loop" for
several years
so joining the list seemed like a good place to start. Thanks in
advance for any help. >>
Where are you located, or do you mind travelling to purchase the right car?
Out here on the left coast, there are a few good Tigers currently for sale,
according to the latest STOA newsletter.
You might consider joining STOA, CAT or TE/AE or one of the other regional
clubs to once again become fully in the "loop"
Mike Wood