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RE: Brake Booster

To: "'tiger mail'" <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Brake Booster
From: Cecil McLendon <cmclendon@mindspring.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 03:19:56 -0500
The Tiger I just recently bought has no brake booster. When I was looking at it 
I was thinking that replacing the same should be one of my first projects. Now, 
however, I am pretty used to it the way it is . . . Besides, after reading the 
list, I think I will have plenty of other projects which may take precendence 
when I get started this summer,  i.e front end, rear end, most everything in 

Prepare for many novice questions to come; for instance what is the part number 
for this dreaded Lucas Smoke! 

From:   DJoh797014@aol.com[SMTP:DJoh797014@aol.com]
Sent:   Friday, January 22, 1999 10:38 PM
To:     tigers@autox.team.net
Subject:        Brake Booster

What with you pansies on the coast.  Too much tofu and bean sprouts.

Most  owners in the Midwest have long ago bypassed their boosters.
Curt Bowland and Larry Marzano who are racing VSCRA run without
the booster.  When my booster failed I drove without for 6 months and
liked the firm feel.

Yes you have to use you right foot a bit more.

Doug Jennings in Dayton recommends switching to rear wheel cylinder
from the stoock tiger 3/4 in to the Series III Alpine which is 7/8 in.  This
gives you more braking power in the rear and the less likely the front
wheels will lock.

As to why the hand brake is on the left, its obvious.  On hills, you use 
your left foot for the clutch, right for the brake and gas,  right hand to
gears, and left hand to work the hand brake.  This leave you free to steer
with your teeth.  A great ergonomic design.

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