I think Bob Palmer addressed this issue earlier this year. His posting
caused 14 people to be fired from their employers, 24 to be chastised by
their peers, and 327 others to spend numerous late hours viewing questional
Web Sites. Longer Studs are a dime a dozen; it is the rim holes that are
Another Calander New Year-
Chris in Trinidad
> From: John Haynes <johnhaynes@som-uky.campus.mci.net>
> To: Scott Lampert <netscott@earthlink.net>; tiger page
> Subject: Re: Stud length for alloy wheels
> Date: Friday, January 01, 1999 6:23 PM
> The VB Minilite look alike wheels I have are thicker at the stud holes
> than the Lat alloys, causing the lug nuts to only use about 5 threads.
> can I get longer studs ?
> Sam Haynes
> >
> >