Where to begin.
An $8 - 10,000 Tiger Coupe. Will Dick Barker chime in, please.
1965-6 Barracuda, the original "ponycar". And, where, dear Barrons, do
you think the term ponycar came from? I‘ll give you a clue. They didn't
build 1.2 MILLION Barracudas between 1964 and 1966. They did build
something else in that quantity, though.
1960 A-H Mark III. It‘s either a ‘60 OR it‘s a Mark III(probably
1968 BMW 2002ti. Admittedly a great find, if you can find one in the
U.S. They weren‘t permitted to be imported into the U.S. because the
emissions didn‘t comply in 1968 and 1969. Maybe Barrons was thinking of
the regular 2002 (with the 2000 sedan motor) or the early ‘70‘s 2002tii.
1968-72 International Scout, the original sports utility vehicle? Well,
no, not really. What about the Ford Bronco of the mid 1960‘s, or Toyota
Land Cruiser before that, or Jeep Wagoneer before that, or Jeep station
wagon from just after WWII?