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Re: Painting gauges

To: Chris.S.Mottram@ecc.com, tigers@Autox.Team.Net, alpines@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Painting gauges
From: CoolVT@aol.com
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 17:30:30 EST
`Someone did make the comment about the weight of the paint affecting its
accuracy.  At the time I believe I related my experience with a friend who
worked for a company that designed and assembled extremely fancy guages for
government projects.  They provided the "fuel delivery systems".  I'm sure
that these guages went for $5,000-10,000 each.  They were going into the fancy
stuff like  the Stealth and such.                
The workers had to be tested and certified for certain types of soldering on
the parts and there were government employees (inspectors) in the plant at all
times.  I had  asked about the procees of building and discovered that they
went through 4 stages, each part being built separately and put through a
series of tests.  The final stage involved joining all the parts and a final

When I asked about what I  figured must be some exotic paint used on the
needle the answer kind of suprised me.  She said,  "I just have this little
brush and paint on this orange colored paint.   Some of the people around me
only put on one coat, but I like to put on two or 3 so that it looks nice."
When asked what kind of paint it was, I got the answer, "I don't know, it's
orange and comes out of a big can that is marked 'Needle Paint."

So with all the cost and science behind these "special" instruments, this was
the answer for painting the needles.    Mark L.

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