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inquiry 111398h

To: "TransAtlantic Corporation (E-mail)" <tigers@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: inquiry 111398h
From: "Wright, Larry" <lrw@aop.com>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 13:14:58 -0600
Lawrence R. Wright
Purchasing Analyst
Andrews Office Products Div. of USOP
Ph. 301.386.7923  Fx. 301.386.5333

Fellow Tiger People:
        The very same day I report "no news" on the 1/43 Tiger kit, I
receive a message from K&R, along with an image I'll forward to Mark
Olson for the website.
        As I see the picture, this Tiger has a lot of detail missing in
other Sunbeam miniatures this size, but some misproportion of some of
the "small bits". The bumper guards and door handles, in particular,
look oversized, although this could be attributed to the photography.
The headlamp rings are bright-finish, as seem to be common on Tigers in
the UK and Europe.
        Well, I'll be ordering one. This kit is affordable enough (but
freight???) to risk chopping one up to fabricate a Lister Lemans coupe
or a Tiger Harrington, if desired. Or build a little Mumford suspension
or IRS to install...

* -----Original Message-----
* From: Stephen Roff ( K & R Replicas) [mailto:KandR@mcmail.com] 
* Sent: Friday, November 13, 1998 1:41 PM
* To: Wright, Larry
* Subject: sunbeam tiger photo 
* Dear Larry 
* Sorry for the delay in sending  photo, please find it attached, if you
* want photos of the model with hood and hardtop I will forward 
* them. The
* word 'Tiger' and the badge below are photo-etched parts which are very
* fine and are added after the model has been painted, they do 
* look pretty
* good. 
* Best wishes
* Stephen Roff

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