In a message dated 10/11/98 7:45:31 PM, writes:
<<Could you please forward your notes on engine removal to me also...getting
ready to try it and I am without a confidence level to make it a comfortable
task...much appreciated
Hi Lon
Im sorry I dont have that particular post.Im not even sure i did one on
engine removal from a Tiger.
But I do have some observations/recomendations to make it as painless and
safe as possible.
1)Clean the engine and engine bay as clean as you can with a high pressure
hose and solvents.Clean the uderside as well.
2) Jack the car up in the air and place on Jackstands all the way around.
3) For a week spray all accessable areas with wd40 or some such.Spray every
area you can and dont miss a day.Pay special attention to the splines and
bolts on the steeing column and the Oil Filter adapter fittings.Spray down the
transmission and crossmember too.Make the time the car is sitting your friend.
4)follow the advise in the Rootes manual( to a point-the caution here is about
realizing that if you are pulling the engine thru the top YOU WILL HAVE TO
remove engine and trans as a unit(intact).It comes STRAIGHT UP out of the car
and the lowest point of the intact unit has to clear the highest point of the
car front.Seperating the two sections isnt that big a deal,just realize that
is what you might need to do and plan for it.
You want to make as much room as you can.The water pump and crank pulley will
give you a lot of room if they are not there.What I did is that I did a little
each day the water pump,the next day the steering column.the next the
carb and linkages(and electrics and so on).As you remove the bolts,place them
in ziplock baggies(sandwich size and 1/2 gallon and Gallon are fine)and write
on the baggie(with a large magic marker) where they go ,what they are to.I
also had an engine box and an interior box and a body parts box.Also keep a
clipboard w/legal pad handy to make sketches or wiring diagrams as you
go.Taking photos is a big help you run into something wierd,take a
picture of it.If you get into trouble,ask the people on the list for help.The
internet works.