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RE: ?????

To: Tiger Owners <tigers@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: ?????
From: Timothy Beloney <TBeloney@Wyse.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 09:03:45 -0700
Once again I ask, "What is TAC"?  Tiger Alpine Certification???  Probably
not but someone please tell me.  It's one of those Unfinished Gestalt



                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Allan Connell [mailto:alcon@earthlink.net]
                Sent:   Thursday, October 01, 1998 11:35 PM
                To:     Tiger Owners; tigermk1@ix.netcom.com
                Subject:        RE: ?????

                Thanks for your opinion.

                Well appreciated from a "Left Coaster".  Let me say first
and foremost that
                you are entitled to your opinions.  Also, allow me to add,
that I have
                absolutely NO desire whatsoever to inspect your TAC.  Hey
man, dats 'yo
                bidness.  As well, I doubt your wife nor your doctor will be
qualified to
                inspect a TAC....after all, IT IS an 8 1\2 by 11 sheet of
paper don'cha

                You may not have any appreciation or perceive any value for
you or anyone
                else in the TAC program.  I for one could take it or leave
it myself.
                Though I did have my car TAC'ed during the TU in Big Bear.
Hey, why not?

                Just one favor to ask newbee......as you take your stance
with an opening
                salvo across the bow, :) could you at least have the common
courtesy to show
                your colors??  It is customary on this list that when we
FLAME you back we
                use your correct name as opposed to an anonymous
handle......:) :)

                Though maybe the other listers are smarter than I and will
choose to flat
                out ignore your outburst; which is indeed an appropriate
response (or lack
                thereof.)  Me??  I offer this as plain truth....I just ain't
that smart!!

                I DO encourage you....make your opinions known and sign your

                Now, big question:  Who in the sam hell ever said that TAC
was a mandatory
                program??  Did this dumb-ass congress we have of late pass a
                amendment and the rest of us missed it?  Me thinks not.  TAC
is voluntary.
                Not "required" by us "Left Coasters"  contrary to popular
belief.  You want
                your car TAC'ed you have it TAC'ed, if you don't, you don't.

                If you really have that much distaste for the program,
please feel free to
                start your own.  Somebody else out here on the Left Coast
did so....it was
                called SAC if I am not mistaken.  Oh, did I fail to tell you
that I am
                FREQUENTLY mistaken???  NS

                Once again, I honor your opinions; and please continue to
                them......but please SIGN them.  Hell, who knows, you may
just be one of
                those arrogant Healy guys with a false e-mail address sent
in by the
                national club to stir up crap in our happy little group of
lovers of
                undervalued relics......:)  Damn, we're a happy little group
                NEVER fight or disagree.   DOO  WEE ??


                OK, Flame me back: I deserve it.  Hey, but you started it

                -----Original Message-----
                From:   owner-tigers@autox.team.net
[mailto:owner-tigers@autox.team.net] On
                Behalf Of tigermk1@ix.netcom.com
                Sent:   Wednesday, September 30, 1998 8:04 PM
                To:     tigers@autox.team.net
                Subject:        ?????

                "Besides, as most everyone should know by now, a TAC
                inspection requires THREE inspectors, not ONE."

                Sorry, not everyone is aware of the THREE versus ONE
inspector requirement.
                Excuse my
                ignorance, I'm new to this list.  Why would I want you or
anyone else to
                inspect my TAC? Does it
                hurt when the inspection is done?  Can I use a doctor or my
wife to examine
                my TAC instead of
                your inspectors?

                "Believe it or not, TAC is working to expand the program
outside the S.F.
                area. We have the West coast fairly well covered and are
currently trying to
                expand to the East coast."

                Is this another of those West coast afflictions spreading to
the rest of the
                United States?
                I read the news every day and missed the story of the
expanding TAC.   Does
                this have something
                to do with the Asian stock market meltdown?  It sounds
scarry!   Enough of
                these questions, I
                must call my broker.

                "Several candidates are finishing up their
training/examinations and
                hopefully will be certified
                by the TEAE Tigers United. More on this soon."

                Paul Reisentz
                SYOA TAC Chairman

                Ahhh, the few, the proud, the TAC inspectors!  It fills you
with pride to
                know someone is out
                there guarding your TAC!


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