I must admit Ole, the resemblance is uncanny -- including the Three Stooges
tie. However, it has been many, many moons since I last put in an
appearance in church; any church. Actually, I did wander through quite a
few in Europe, but that was over ten years ago. Moreover, Beckie is having
a problem relating to the gray-haired, straight-laced matron appearing with
me in that strip. She says it must be my mother. Beckie reminds me from
time-to-time that just because she sleeps with a grandfather doesn't make
her a grandmother. You how touchy these women are!!
Thanks for noticing the resemblance (I think),
At 12:22 PM 9/13/98 -0400, OldeAlp@aol.com wrote:
>Hey gang!
>Doesn't the Pickles character in today's paper look just like Bob Palmer?
Robert L. Palmer
Dept. of AMES, Univ. of Calif., San Diego