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Re: video

To: OldeAlp@aol.com, ritchie@mcn.org
Subject: Re: video
From: Dave McDermott <dave.mcdermott@cusys.edu>
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 12:13:36 -0600
        The TV station here in Denver that did the coverage of SUNI I was
channel 9 primarily because one of our local club members worked there. It
was shown on the air in the abbreviated form on a local travel/entertainment
show. It was great footage of both the Tigers and the area around

        Dave McDermott

At 12:17 PM 8/14/98 EDT, OldeAlp@aol.com wrote:
>Darrell Brunn did the videos for SUNI I at Snowmass.  Is he still in STOA?
>Two volumes were available - one of the cars and events, the second of the
>tech sessions, speakers, and some interviews.
>I would suggest that he would be a good source, if not for doing the deed, at
>least giving advice to anyone looking to do such a thing.  There also was a
>video from a Denver TV station, which included the aired footage plus a lot of
>Now, if I could just find who borrowed them from me and didn't bring them back
>. . .

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