I'm sorry, I was trying to say that you could get "only a few points". Far
less than, and certainly not, more than 13.
From: JAN HARDE[SMTP:harde@cyberesc.net]
Sent: Sunday, August 02, 1998 6:52 PM
To: Frank Marrone
Cc: Tigers
Subject: Re: Unleaded Fuel
13 + 89 Hmmmmmm Not to bad... I'll take it ....
Again as I said I am not a chemist...
-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Marrone <marrone@wco.com>
To: Walter A. Menke <wallym@ozemail.com.au>
Cc: Tigers <tigers@autox.team.net>
Date: Sunday, August 02, 1998 11:42 AM
Subject: RE: Unleaded Fuel
Well sort of,
It apparently takes very small quantities of lead to get an initial octane
boost and adding additional lead yields smaller increases. so mixing no
lead with leaded gas will enrich the nolead portion of the fuel to an
extent. I think HotRod and a few others mags ran stories about this when
you could actually get leaded fuel. You can get a few points by this
approach but, at least from what I remember reading, not over 13 points.
From: JAN HARDE[SMTP:harde@cyberesc.net]
Sent: Sunday, August 02, 1998 3:50 PM
To: Walter A. Menke
Cc: Tigers
Subject: Re: Unleaded Fuel
No Problem @ all, the last 2 engines I built both had the valves put in for
the unleaded, as I don't even know where you get the Leaded any more, if you
can then try the following for fun: put half a tank of Leaded & half
unleaded in your car, this mix will cause a chemical reaction and cause the
Octane rating to increase from 87 in the unleaded to over 100 octane...
Weird but fact.... A secret @ that....Enjoy the ride.... an oil co exec.
taught me this...
For those who will not believe me, please try before you criticize me...also
I am not a chemist, I just like to try something, at least once, and more
when it works...
Jan...... Happy FUUUUUUUNbeaming out there...
-----Original Message-----
From: Walter A. Menke <wallym@ozemail.com.au>
To: tigers <tigers@autox.team.net>
Date: Saturday, August 01, 1998 9:01 PM
Subject: Unleaded Fuel
>Has anyone built-up there engines to handle unleaded fuel?
>I'm tempted to do this as it looks inevitable that leaded fuel will be
>phased out eventually. The other factor is that leaded fuel is priced
>higher downunder by about 7/c gallon. ANy experience out there?
>Wally Menke