So what? Went there, done that, not impressed. Won't waste my time going
back. I like my Tigers and that's that.
End of discussion. The world has many types and it makes life interesting,
I am just not interested in "them"
> From: Paul Burr <tigerpb@ids.net>
> To: Al Johnson <johnson@ids.net>
> Cc: beau beauchamp <beau2eve@aol.com>; Bob Dahm <bob_dahm@ids.net>; chuck
and mary dahm <ddc@avana.net>; Greg Burr <gaburr@aol.com>; joe prest
<jprest@alpinecsi.com>; tiger club <tigers@autox.team.net>; triumph club
> Subject: Must see auto web site.
> Date: Friday, July 31, 1998 5:53 PM
> OK, I thought I was the only person who noticed those wacked out
> lowered, chromed wheeled, bass busting, rice burners rolling around
> town, Check out:
> http://riceboy.simplenet.com/riceboy/
> Seems that other people have gotten annoyed enough by themto dedicate a
> web site to them!