I agree 100%.
The sticker/plate in the case of an uninspected car would be
available upon request and would serve to allow declaration of background.
Again, this would clear the air if it looks like a Tiger and provide
background information on the car.
In the case of an un-TAC'd Tiger the sticker/plate would serve the
purpose of demonstrating what the owner is representing the car as. This
subject to verification or a verbal beating if they know it is not a Tiger
and try to pass it off as one.
Will TAC be at the TE/AE United in Maryland this year?
> ----------
> From: Rich Atherton[SMTP:gumby@connectexpress.com]
> Only the Tigers need to be inspected. There's no point in spending
> the Man
> hours to look at cars that are not being cloned. No one is going to take
> a
> TR-4, and rebody it as an Alpine. Just report what the car is, and what
> you, or
> some previous owner has done to it, and its current configuration. for
> your
> small fee, you'll receive a plaque and rivets which lists the information
> you
> have provided. I think this should be done by anyone who is modifying an
> Alpine
> for whatever reason. If there is interest from other modle owners, like
> the
> IMP, Minx, etc, then maybe other plaques could be done for the same
> reason.
> Thse are NOT to track the Authenticity of these other cars because NO
> ONE is
> going to forg one. These are only for peice of mind to track the
> modifications
> that many people like to do. Howmany Series I, II, III, or IV are running
> around with different engine/tranny combination that what the car came
> with
> originally? Lots of you !! Why not document those changes! With these
> cars,
> changing the engines, probably won't degrade the cars value except by
> those who
> want a perfect car, and they already know what they are looking for. If
> you car
> is for sale and someone wants a perfect one, they can look at the plate,
> and see
> what's been done, and they determine if it's reversible or not. They'll
> see the
> plate's contact information, and if they are interested, can have all of
> the
> details on that car faxed directly to them. They then decide if they want
> the
> car or not. There are no questions for Authenticity......All of the cars
> are
> Authentic...Only Tigers have been cloned, and TAC covers that for the most
> part.
> Rich