Paul, Listers,
This most recent flair up of egos and testosterone has at least had the
good effect of flushing out some participation from seldom heard quarters.
My statistical analysis of the responses so far shows that 99.44% of the
"silent majority" on the list would prefer that the rest of us do our
fighting and our f**king in private, while the other 0.56% of us voyeurs
are getting a good laugh or two out of it all. Maybe Paul and others on
the list who are uncomfortable with this bad boy stuff would relate to it
better if we explained that what is really going on here is really just the
California equivalent of stock car racing. We fire up our cyber hot rods,
get behind our keyboards, pull out onto the world wide web and start
bumping fenders, cursing, and generally driving - I mean typing - like
maniacs. When someone finally drops the checkered flag, or more likely we
just run out of gas, we pull in, have a few beers, slap each other on the
back and swap stories about how great we were. Sounds like all the elements
of a good old fashioned stock car race to me. All the fun and so far I
don't think anyone's suffered any real damage beyond of few bruised egos.
Well, I just had to add my two cents worth too. BTW Ramon if you do come to
TUXXIII, any chance you could do a repeat of your TUXX registration
butt-humping spectacle?? I was there, but from two blocks away I couldn't
really tell who was on top, although I did hear a lot of four letter
expletives interspersed with words like "autocross" and "practice laps",
But didn't you and Theresia turn around and go home the next morning?? And
does that really constitute "attending" at Tigers United in your book?? Or
is raising a ruckus all that really matters, so why hang around once the
fun's over?? Just curious. Hope to see you, Theresia, and all the rest of
you who can possibly make it.
Bob (in laid back San Diego, not LA or SF)
At 08:40 PM 6/19/98 -0500, you wrote:
>To All,
> I am a relatively new owner of two Tigers. In the past year I
>have had the most fun searching for and finding my cars. I joined
>this list for information and for finding and making friends
>interested in the same past time as I have chosen to pursue. I
>attended United last year and it was my first.
> Now I don't claim to be slick, intelligent, or good looking.
>Basically I am just an old redneck living in the south. I will say
>this. If you are not happy with the list, United, the clubs, or
>whatever, just don't participate. Personally I don't care to hear
>the personal attacks and the complaints. It is obvious to me that
>there are some personality conflicts which will never be resolved.
>Again, that is the problem of the folks involved. I don't care what
>they do. I wish they would keep there conflicts to themselves.
>There are more of us that want to gather information from the experts
>and not listen to the bickering.
> I do this to have fun and I hope that spirit will return to this
> Hey Bo, I only wish I could visit your garage.
> Just the thoughts of an old redneck in North Carolina.
>Paul R. Sheahan