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Re: It's Tops!

To: "Larry Wright" <lrw@aop.com>
Subject: Re: It's Tops!
From: Anita Barrett <anitabrt@mindspring.com>
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 18:38:58 -0400
At 10:26 AM 5/28/98 -0400, you wrote:

>There should be a good story behind the origin of the word "kluge"; if not,
>we should make one up. Well?
>Lawrence R. Wright

     Websters 1981: " kluge\'kluj\ n [origin unknown]: a system and esp. a
computer system
 made up of components that are poorly matched or were intended for some
 other use"

 I think I used the correct word to describe my TRxx Hard Clam shell-Ragtop
on my
V6 Alpine.  The steering setup for a Tiger is also a kluge.
Jim Barrett Tiger II 351C and others

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