Eric Schell
Eschenweg 29
52222 Stolberg
Tel:+49/2402/36667 4012
21. May 1998
Hey tigers,
it is a big problem to find somebody here in Germany who is able to suppl=
y a=0A157 cog cogwreath with 337 mm
diameter.(Sorry it might be wrong but my technical English is not so good=
)=0ACould somebody help me to find a
good dealer in the US?? A friend told me that there is a company Summit b=
ut I=0Acouldn=92t find them on the
I need it for my 1967 MK 2. In July I will come over to the US and stay f=
or 10=0Adays. Please let me know if
there are any meetings during this time in the west.
Best regards