TigerCoupe wrote:
> When the Fallehy Award was created last year, one of the stipulations was that
> each year the responsibility for administering it would pass to the club which
> was sponsoring Tigers United for that year. That club would actively solicit
> nominations throughout the year, and from these nominations, would select a
> deserving recipient of the Fallehy Award.
> Until last year's winner, Mark Olson, decided it was time to clean up the
> trophy and get it to this year's muckity-mucks, I had heard nothing about the
> Fallehy Award for the past year. Mark's questions to this list were never
> answered that I'm aware of, although it is possible that occurred privately.
> What did ensue was support for the award and a number of well-considered
> nominations (and seconds), which to date, have not been acknowledged.
> So it sorta makes me wonder, is the Fallehy Award going to be presented this
> year?
> Steve Sage, can you enlighten us?
> Dick Barker
Hello Dick & Everyone:
This discussion of the award on the net is the first I've heard of it. I have no
idea who is the "caretaker" of it or what criteria to use for its award, or
(if it's a specific trophy) it exists! As far as I know, no one passed this info
on to CAT. If that person or persons would pass the information to me, we'll go
from there.
Steve Sage