At 12:12 AM 4/29/98 EDT, you wrote:
>Steve, seems to me like the amount of air flowing through a car radiator is a
>function of three things:
>1. The pressure on one side of the radiator.
>2. The pressure on the other side of the radiator.
>3. The "resistance" that the radiator offers to the flow of air.
>I don't see no steenkin' horn holes in there anywhere.
>I suggest that at idle, or a slow in-traffic crawl, you can plug those holes
>or you can blow the front fenders off the car and it's gonna have
>impact on the amount of air going through the radiator . . . no, wait!
>Blowin' the front fenders off the car might help a bit! It would certainly
>"help" the cooling situation more than pluggin' those horn holes would!!!
You don't suppose, that when sitting still, some of that hot air that
just pulled through the radiator would try to get out of the engine
compartment and would head towards that low pressure area in front of the
radiator do you? Would it go under the radiator or through the horn holes?
If it did wouldn't that recirculated HOT air be a little less efficient at
cooling the water?
Doug Pruitt