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Monterey, CA April - British Car Meet

To: rfeibusch@loop.com
Subject: Monterey, CA April - British Car Meet
From: rfeibusch@loop.com (Rick Feibusch)
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 06:54:17 -0800 (PST)
Dear Listers,

I'm helping Rich Saylor and the Monterey Peninsula Kiwanis get the word out
about the 1998 Monterey Peninsula British Car Meet on April 25th and 26th,
1998.  This year the meet has been moved to beautiful downtown Pacific
Grove, CA .  This is the same place where the Monterey Bay Rolling Concours
has been held for the last few years.  You web surfers out there can check
out the venue and the Rolling Concours as well as the rest of the Monterey
Historic Weekend on:


It's on the Carculture channel.

Here is a condensed version of their flyer:


The 1998
M O N T E R E Y   P E N I N S U L A   B R I T I S H   C A R   M E E T
Saturday, April 25 and Sunday, April 26  in Pacific Grove, CA

All British cars and vehicles are welcome!!

   Planned Activities include:
* British Car Tour of the Monterey Peninsula
* Sunday Public Viewing & Popular Choice Judging
* Restoration Techniques, Contests, Prizes, and Entertainment
* Children's Activities  *  Dart Tournament  *  After Event Party!!

Registration Fee is $30 (before April 11) $35 after.  The 1st 300 entrants
will receive: Coffee Mug, metal Dash Plaque & other goodies.  T-Shirts are
available as are a number of freebies from our sponsors and vendors!!


If you would like to obtain an official entry blank or hotel information,
and get on the California British Car Meet Mailing list, call Rich Saylor
at 408-643-1066,  Fax: 408-646-0676 or email me with your address
at: rfeibusch@loop.com

Rick Feibusch
Automotive Journalist/Appraiser
Venice Beach, California
1959 Morris Minor Convertible
1960 Morris Minor Saloon
1961 Morris Minor Pickup
1969 Chevy Malibu Sport Coupe
1969 Chevy Malibu Convertible

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