Only recently I realized there must be someone on this list as dumb as I am!
For months I have been E-mailing Tim Morin about Tiger parts, etc. But I
never got anything back. Finally I included a plea to Tim to please respond
so I could confirm our communications link. I got a response all right, but
not from Tim. It was from some poor soul out there who beseeched me to quit
sending mail to him. He wanted to know how he got on this Tiger-list thing,
because recently he has been inundated with requests for car parts! He has a
screen name of "tiger@". On a hunch, I checked the screen name for
Tim Morin, and guess what? It has a little "t" after "tiger". So all along I
have been using the wrong address for Tim, and apparently some others on this
list have too! For the record then, the CORRECT E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR TIM MORIN
is: You have a much better chance of receiving your parts
if you send your requests to this address rather than to the dude out there in
cyberspace who has a really cool screen name, but doesn't have the foggiest
idea what a Sunbeam Tiger is. Alas, poor soul! He doesn't know what he's
Dick Barker