Fellow Tiger owners:
I'm coming to the conclusion that I need to say goodbye to an old
Classic & Sportscar magazine; we've discussed its contents from time to
time (when it's about Tigers).
Not only is this about the most expensive magazine around, and shows up
to 4 weeks late every month, but they won't even answer my e-mails on the
subject (I have sent a couple). Just not my idea of customer service!
Anybody else getting better service (or just taking a different
viewpoint)? Perhaps I should just wait until articles in C&S about Sunbeam
Tigers are mentioned on this list, and go buy a copy at the newsstand.
BTW, a co-worker just brought me a copy of British Car magazine,
February-March issue, with an article on Rootes.
> From: Larry Wright <lrw@aop.com>
> To: letters@classicandsportscar.haynet.com
> Subject: concerns on C&S
> Date: Tuesday, January 13, 1998 12:27 PM
> Gentlemen:
> I've just received the January 1998 Issue of Classic And Sportscar, and
> renewal notice for my subscription. Having reviewed both, I am much more
> satisfied with one than the other.
> C&S is perhaps the best automotive magazine I have seen; the
> in particular is of the first order, and you write about a wide range of
> cars, some of which I am unfamiliar with. The only shortcoming is perhaps
> the predisposition to revisit some popular models too frequently; how
> E-type or MGB cover features does one care to write (or read)? Other than
> that, keep up the fine work.
> Actually getting the magazine here in the US is another matter entirely.
> While most magazines here (and from the closing dates on your contests,
> the UK as well) arrive early in the month preceding that listed on the
> front cover. My C&S, however, shows up 3 to 4 weeks after that, and, more
> telling, 3 to 4 weeks after that issue is available from local magazine
> stands and bookstores ( I believe you call them newsagents there).
> Therefore, I find it hard to accept that the delay I am experiencing is
> solely due to the fact that I live on the wrong (?) side of the Atlantic.
> Once here (only a few times has an issue fail to arrive at all), it is a
> fine magazine, but I wait weeks after some "Internet pals" in the UK
> describe some photo or article to me that I see it; also several times I
> could have participated in the "Mystery Car Competition" if I had
> my copy earlier.
> Truthfully, In the past year or so I had become resigned to the delay.
> Yesterday's arrival of my renewal, however, reminded me in a very pointed
> way. I see that twelve issues will now cost me $63.00, or $110.00 (!) if
> would like it faster. The lesser figure places my subscription at par
> single-copy purchases from local sellers who discount regularly from
> suggested price (and without the afore-mentioned delay). Why should I
> resubscribe? Delivery to my door is convenient, but at a newsstand I can
> choose either C&S or one of the other magazines catering to the classic
> hobby, based on the content offered that month.
> I am sure that publishing C&S is expensive, and not fully offset by
> advertising , but a significant (30%?) increase in renewal subscription
> cost has occured without an improvement in service. Furthermore, I read
> that the UK subscription price has dropped to 29PS, making prices in the
> USA 44% or so higher, a figure I find hard to believe is absorbed in
> transportation costs. I think that the US renewal rate should be lowered
> at or below earlier levels. My subsription expires with the March 1998
> issue.
> Finally, if I were to resubscribe, would membership in the C&S Club be
> extended to American subscribers?
> Lawrence R. Wright
> Purchasing Analyst
> Andrews Office Products, Divison of USOP
> PH 301-386-7923
> lrw@aop.com
Lawrence R. Wright
Purchasing Analyst
Andrews Office Products, Divison of USOP
PH 301-386-7923 FX 301-386-5333