Please sign me up for this manual. Even though I plan to eventually
build a V-8 Alpine, it will not be a Tiger Clone asI intend to use the
Buick/Rover Aluminum 215 as the power plant. It's a little tough to
disguise this as a 289...However, these manuals showing the assembly
techniques will be very helpful in desinging the systems that I will need.
> ----------
> From: tiger technologies[]
> Reply To: tiger technologies
> Sent: Thursday, January 15, 1998 2:10 AM
> To:
> Subject: Tiger identification manual
> To All:
> Judging from all the communication--pro and con--regarding Tiger
> Technologies' decision to produce a manual on how to identify a "real
> Tiger"
> it is apparent there are two schools of thought: 1-Only a select few
> "experts" in the country are worthy enough of identifying a true Tiger and
> unless this group places its sticker on your chassis, you have no
> assurance
> of what you own or are looking to purchase. This group looks at a parts
> and
> design and fabrication manual as sacrilege since the manual merely allows
> anyone to "build" a Tiger out of an Alpine.
> The other school of thought is that since it is virtually impossible in
> most
> parts of the country (world) to get someone to authenticate their Tiger,
> any
> help in the identification process is a plus.
> Our position is that since Tigers are now going up in value, it is more
> important than ever that potential buyers have a manner to prevent them
> from
> being stung by spending $30,000 on a car really worth $10,000. And we
> firmly
> believe that the few guys out there who already know how to build perfect
> conversions certainly would have no use for any manual we could publish.
> So the bottom line is: how can prospective buyers and current owners be
> helped in identifying their vehicles as actual Tigers...
> It is high time that the only existing certification group in the country
> takes a more pro-active position and provides some methods to help out
> those
> with questions about their car' authenticity. Maybe it's an 800 number. Or
> a
> website hotline. Or something a trouble spot identification
> manual available to the general Tiger public.But something must be
> done...NOW!
> And perhaps those on the other side who just want some way of verifying
> what
> they're driving have some suggestions as well.
> Jan and I are open to a middle ground solution. But a solution must be
> found. Therefore, we are going to hold off on any action until March 1st
> before proceeding. In the meantime, fax us, call us, E-mail, write
> us...hell, send up smoke signals if you wish, giving us alternatives.
> We await your reaction and comments.
> Jeff/TT