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RE: Meetings, Meetings, Meetings!!

To: "Spontelli, Ramon" <rs11@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM>
Subject: RE: Meetings, Meetings, Meetings!!
From: Allan Connell <alcon@earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 20:47:03 -0800
At 12:35 PM 12/10/97 -0800, Spontelli, Ramon wrote:
>       >  BTW - Seems to me that we have not had a meeting recently for
>       >  Where indeed is our esteemed president???  Will you call a
>       >  Allan, (R.A.T.S. Registry #009)
>Firstly, it's "RATZ" now.  It got changed at the Southern California
>RATZfest last summer.  The name is still the same, just spelled with a
>"Z" instead of an "S".
>Secondly, our "esteemed president" two weeks ago started a new day-job
>with an outfit that maintains a rather unenlightned attitude towards
>personal use of the company e-mail facilities.  He's therefore
>temporarily unavailable on both the big list and the RATZ list.
>And yes, we DO need another get-together.  Like maybe sometime after the

OOOOPPPSS!!  Forgot about the change from the "S" to the "Z"  However, far
be it from me to ask for forgiveness.  I do like it though.....it will look
much better on the T-Shirts we were SUPPOSED to get earlier this summer.

Peace, Love-Dove and Hari-Krishna


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