At 10:40 AM 10/25/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>You are right on target with your comments. However, if there is a "bible"
>out there, it is the Book Of Norman, and I for one rely on Mr. Miller's
>expertise. You are correct as well that there should be some TAC
>representation down in Southern California (and perhaps in other areas of
>the U.S.) who could work with prospective Tiger purchasers before they plunk
>down a lot of cash for what is billed as an accurate Tiger.
>>However, it appears that some individuals want to keep the whole TAC
>experience close to their chests. Why not publish a manual for all showing
>what makes a car accurate? Do you think those "converters" are amateurs?
>Heck no. For the most part these guys also restore legitimate Tigers, so
>they already know the little "secrets" between a Tiger and an Alpine.
Paul Reisentz (, Chairman of the STOA TIGER Authentication
Committee TAC, asked me some time ago to let him handle internet responces
to our program, but I'm afraid I couldn't contain myself in this instance.
It's funny about the timing of this most recent TAC FLACK. I just spent
last weekend in Seattle (at my own expense) training 4 STOA TAC inspectors
to operate independantly in that region of the country. Larry Atkisson
( is the Senior Inspector in that region and inquires can
be made directly to him for TAC services.
We would love to spread this program out to other geographic areas, but
have been severely restricted by a lot of inter-club and interpersonal
political situations (Take for example your own warm relationship with
Paul). We currently list 271 "real" TACed Tigers on our web site
( We do not publish lists or otherwise identify
Algers for general public consumption. We are happy to share any
information we have about previously Certified (TACed) Tigers. If you want
the other list, you will have to talk to Norman.
STOA is unique in that it is the only exclusively TIGER club in the US. We
started this TAC program over 5 years ago. The opportunity to develop a
similar program was there for other Sunbeam clubs, and for what ever
reasons, they chose not to do so. STOA TAC Inspectors traveled to SUNI II
and last years UNITED EAST in Orlando to offer our TAC services at our own
personal expense. Didn't even take our Tigers to join in the fun. I'll
clearly acknowledge that we (the inspectors) are involved in this to
promote STOA specifically, as well as the TIGER Marque in general. I think
that for you to ask us to give up this club promotional program is selfish,
totally unfair, and inappropriate. A more constructive approach would be to
help identify individuals in the SoCal area with the "proper" technical
background AND philisophical agreement with the program and its objectives.
I know this is a tough assignment, and I'm not being flippant.
Besides all that, I, and the other inspectors are not willing to bet that
the professional "converters" know "everything". If anything, it has
vastly increased the cost and improved the quality and technical standards
for anyone producing a serious clone.
Tom Hall