>Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 10:38:54 -0700
>To: Harold Hartsell <hartsell@thegrid.net>
>From: tiger technologies <tartanad@popd.ix.netcom.com>
>You are right on target with your comments. However, if there is a "bible"
out there, it is the Book Of Norman, and I for one rely on Mr. Miller's
expertise. You are correct as well that there should be some TAC
representation down in Southern California (and perhaps in other areas of
the U.S.) who could work with prospective Tiger purchasers before they plunk
down a lot of cash for what is billed as an accurate Tiger.
>However, it appears that some individuals want to keep the whole TAC
experience close to their chests. Why not publish a manual for all showing
what makes a car accurate? Do you think those "converters" are amateurs?
Heck no. For the most part these guys also restore legitimate Tigers, so
they already know the little "secrets" between a Tiger and an Alpine.
>At 02:31 PM 10/24/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>I think that it is very important for us as a community to be aware of
>>Alpine conversions. Any prospective buyer would be glad to have this
>>kind of information available. It isn't just the value of the car or
>>that it is mis-represented, but it could also mean that the car was a
>>"hatchet" job and is not as safe as it should be.
>>On the other hand, I think we need to be careful, in that what may be a
>>real Tiger could be called a fake by someone who doesn't really know how
>>to tell the difference. This could result in a reference in some printed
>>journal that could haunt the owner of a legit car and perhaps damage
>>his/her ability to sell it.
>>So for me, I think Jan's idea of a qualified inspector sponsored by a
>>Tiger club is a good one. It would be an incentive for non members to
>>join the club, and it would allow the buyer a better chance of getting
>>the right car.
>>Perhaps TAC could be opened up to a broader geographical area to
>>accomodate this? Or perhaps CAT could do it? It could generate club
>>revenue at the same time. It would be a service worth paying for.
>>Just my 2 cents worth,