Lack of fuel feels more like you shut the engine off than misfires,
but you can easily check the fuel flow by disconnecting the fuel line
and turning on the fuel pump. Collect the fuel in a clean container
and check how long it takes to pump 1/2 gallon ( about 20 seconds ??).
You can also check the pressure if you have a pressure gage available.
You said you just did a tune up. Did you change the distributor
cap? Check to make sure the firing order is correct. Also wire 7
and 8 can crossfire if they run parallel for to long,separate them.
Sometimes you get a bad condencer and it will cause all kinds of
misfires and skips, put the old one back in if you still have it and
check the point gap again. Check the small wires to the coil for
continuity and check all the spark plug wire for resistance. Another
possiblity is the coil, put in a spare.
Hope this helps.
Ron Fraser