This was listed in "Classic and Sportscars" as being sold for just under
6,000 GBP and was made from "factory" parts about 12 years ago. It was
listed as being very good but non-original. There were no photos of the
Tiger or the Le Mans Alpine that sold for 20k GBP. They mentioned the
Tiger, while not original, was still a excellent buy.
> Maybe the price was a typo, the printed price was something like 3190
> pounds for a 'very good' example. I checked Brooks web site for more
> info but nothing was current. Pedigree checking is left up to the
> buyer and this one might be so flagrantly phony it didn't have a
> reserve on it.
>> In the current issue of Thoroughbred and Classic Cars is an auction
>> result where a 1965 Harrington Tiger sold for over 3000 pounds. Could
>> there be more than one or is it a fake? The auction house was Brooks.